
Upon joining the Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria we will send you our JSLAB Journal (3 issues a year) as well provide information about meeting, seminars and other events.
If you wish to join as a regular member, student member or supporting member (company), please complete the required items in the membership application and send to the academic society secretariat via e-mail (or fax, regular mail).
*Student members include college students, graduate students, and other such students, and are limited to those who have received a signature from a supervising instructor. Furthermore, the period of validity for student members will be one year, so in the case that they wish to continue their membership, they will need to resubmit a membership application (notification of change) to the academic society’s secretariat (in the case that there is no update, they will automatically be withdrawn from the society).

Annual Membership Fees
Regular members:Annual fee 8,000 yen
Student members:Annual fee 2,000 yen
Supporting members:1 share 60,000 yen

Please click below to join, change information, or leave the society.
To make changes to your information on register or to leave the society, please access the application form here.
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