Oct, 2024: Vol. 35, No.3 (in Japanese)
As described in Article 4 of this academic society’s constitution this journal will publish scientific papers concerning research in the related fields of lactic acid bacteria, information about the academic society’s business, records of research assemblies/general meeting seminars, various requested manuscripts, members’ opinions, as well as related matters. This journal will be published 3 times.
The authors of scientific papers will, in principle, be JSLAB members. However, this will not exclude related parties that are non-members.
Types of scientific papers
There are six types of scientific papers – review articles, expositions, mini features, research papers, notes, and technical papers – and in principle these will be as yet unpublished works. Review articles, expositions, and mini features will be requested (hereafter, “requested scientific papers”) by the Academic Society Journal Editing Committee (hereafter, the “Editing Committee”), and research papers, notes, and technical papers will mainly be contributed by the authors (hereafter, “contributed scientific papers”). When writing, please avoid any descriptions that may be seen as product advertising.
Review articles and expositions: With review articles in regards to the The contents include the title, author’s name, name of affiliated institution, summary, keywords, preface, main text, acknowledgements as well as references, and at the end of the text are to provide in English the title, author’s name, name of affiliated institution, and summary in that order. Review articles and expositions are to be within 12 printed pages including diagrams. When there are citations from original scientific papers, other academic society journals, or commercial publications, after confirming the copyright, it will be necessary to obtain permission to reproduce or otherwise make changes to the text and diagrams.
Mini features: We will establish an annual theme and provide a chance mainly for young researchers to concisely summarize and introduce their research contents and related information. The objective is to have authors write about research trends on the theme from a variety of perspectives and lead to interaction among fellow researchers. The length is to be 1 printed page and written in a designated style for mini features.
Research papers: As scientific papers about completed research, these will be within 6 printed pages including diagrams. They are to mention the title, author’s name, name of affiliated institution, summary, keywords, preface, materials and method, results, acknowledgements as well as references, and at the end of the text are to provide in English the title, author’s name, name of affiliated institution, and summary in that order.
Notes: A note is something that has value to report even though it has not been completed as a research paper, and is to be within 4 printed pages including diagrams. The contents are to include the title, author’s name, name of affiliated institution, summary, keywords, main text as well as references, and at the end of the text are to provide in English the title, author’s name, name of affiliated institution, and summary in that order. The main text does not need to be classified by materials, methodology and results, etc.
Technical papers: These relate to the evaluation of research methods (technical improvements and new experiments, etc.) as well as concern fields of application derived from research, and are intended to facilitate the exchange of opinions between researchers. They are to be within 6 printed pages, and the form is left to the discretion of the author.
Page number
The aim for 1 printed page is to have approximately 2,000 characters for Japanese text and approximately 600 words for English characters. Diagrams should aim to be about 1/4 to 1/2 of a page per each, but since the size of individual diagrams and length of descriptions will differ, we will have the author adjust these during proofreading. If the number of characters or words greatly exceeds the various prescribed number of pages in the 6 types of academic papers described above, the Editing Committee may request a reduction or may not accept the papers as they do not satisfy the contribution guidelines. If the author nevertheless wishes to have their paper published in spite of these circumstances, the author will be responsible for the costs determined by the Editing Committee.
In principle, the language of the scientific papers is to be Japanese (we recommend that English scientific papers be submitted to the joint English journal BMFH). However, the keywords are all to be listed in English and be 5 words or less. For research papers, notes, and technical papers, the characters of diagrams and descriptions are to be written in English. The title, authors’ names, affiliated institution and summary are to be added at the end of the paper and these are to be written in English.
Format for scientific papers
6-1. In principle the main text is to be composed in Word. The manuscript will be A4 size, with 3 cm margins all around the page. One line is to have 35 characters (full-width, around 12-point font. However, English letters and numbers are to be half-width) and one page will have 30 lines. Abbreviations and scientific names should be spelled out in full when first used in the text, after which they can be written as (hereafter, “XXX”). The genus and species names in bacteria names should be written in italic font and should be spelled out in full when first used in the text but from the second instance and thereafter only the initial letter of the genus name will be abbreviated. Subsp. will be used in the subspecies title. The English summary at the end of the article is to be within 200 words and written in 12-point font.
6-2. Diagrams are to be made with PowerPoint and shown in grayscale. Please consult with the Editing Committee if high resolution photos are needed or if another type of software must be used. In principle color printing is not permitted, but in a situation where this is unavoidable the cost as stipulated by Editing Committee will be the burden of the author. Diagrams as well as pictures are not to be inserted into the text, but rather prepared in a separate file and indicated where in the text they should be inserted.
6-3. Citations from a reference should be marked with a number in superscript parentheses at the person’s name, item name or at the upper right at the end of a sentence in the main text, and summarized in the References section at the end of the scientific paper and written in order of number. When there are 2 citations, they are to be written as 1, 2) (separated by a comma), while in the case of 3 or more they are to be written as 1-3) (connected by a hyphen).
6-4. Writing of references will be according to the following format.
Author name (all names when there are 5 members, or list up to 5 names when there are more than 6, for Japanese add “other” and for English add “et al”). (Published year in Western calendar) Title. Journal name (Japanese language journals, while European language journals can be abbreviated based on Index Medicus) Volume: Beginning Page – Ending page.
1) Toshiki Morichi (1998) Development of Lactobacillus Utilization Technology and Future Outlook. JSLAB Journal 9: 69-81.
2) Ohmomo S, Murata S, Katayama N, Nitisinprasart S, Kobayashi M, et al. (2000) Purification and some characteristics of enterocin ON-157, a bacteriocin produced by Enterococcus faecium NIAI 157. J Appl Microbiol 88:81-89.
(Note: No “and” between the authors, and between the authors and title (Published year in Western calendar))
3) Yokota A, Veenstra M, Kurdi P, van Veen HW, Konings WN. (2000) Cholate resistance in Lactococcus lactis is mediated by an ATP-dependent multispecific organic anion transporter. J Bacteriol 182:5196-5201.
Author name (all names when there are 5 members, or list up to 5 names when there are more than 6, for Japanese add “other” and for English add “et al”) (Published year in Western calendar) Cited part’s title, Beginning Page – Ending page (Unlike in the above case with journals, write “p.”), Book name (do not use abbreviated name), Editorial supervisor or editor, Publishing company, Location of publishing company.
4) Atsushi Yokota (2010) 6. Bile Acid, p. 246-256, Science of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, JSLAB Editors, Kyoto University Press, Kyoto.
5) Alan H, Varnam HM, Sutherland JP (1994) The microbiology of milk at farm level, p.41-65, Milk and Milk Products, ed. by Robinson RK, Chapman & Hall, London.
Method of sending manuscripts
Complete the necessary items in the Scientific Paper Manuscript Cover sheet (http://jslab.dev-webdesign.com/jslab/dl/2016/magazine_rule.zip) without overlooking any areas, and send together with the manuscript’s electronic file to the Editing Committee.
*The @ “at-mark” is a full-width character in order to prevent spam, so please change to half-width before emailing
Acceptance of manuscript
The date of receipt will be the day upon which the manuscript’s electronic file reaches the Editing Committee’s email address.
Adoption or rejection of a contributed scientific paper is determined by the Editing Committee based upon the examination results of 2 or more examiners tasked by the Editing Committee. Requested scientific papers will undergo the same examination as contributed scientific papers, and manuscripts that are deemed inadequate or not applicable to the definition of the type of scientific paper will be accepted only after being corrected or revised.
Attribution of copyright
Scientific papers that have been submitted may also be shown on J-STAGE, an electronic journal platform for science and technology information in Japan which is developed and managed by the Japan Science and Technology Agency. Subsequently, the copyright (including translation rights, duplication rights, and public transmission rights) of the published paper will belong to JSLAB.
Revisions to these regulations are proposed by the Editing Committee, and will be implemented following approval by the Board of Directors.
These regulations were implemented as of November 1, 1997.
Some portions were revised as of January 10, 1999. Some portions were revised as of May 10, 2003. Some portions were revised as of December 10, 2006. Some portions were revised as of June 1, 2009. Some portions were revised as of November 28, 2009. Some portions were revised as of November 5, 2011. Some portions were revised as of February 1, 2015.
We accept and encourage advertisements for publication in our academic society journal. The academic society journal is published 3 times a year, and approximately 450 copies are printed.
*The contents were revised as of 2010.
Advertising size
1) Full-page ad (space using 1 entire page)
2) Half-page ad (a single page is divided into a top and bottom space, and the ad would be place on one of those spaces)
Places for publishing advertisements
1) Outer side of back cover (possible only for full-page ads, in units of volumes (3 times a year))
2) Front or inner side of back cover (possible only for full-page ads, in units of volumes
(3 times a year))
3) Advertising space within the journal
The application deadline for 1) and 2) shall be the final day of December in the previous year.
3) is the number of issues (1 time, 2 times, or 3 times a year), and the application deadlines will be First Issue: Application by end of December/advertisement sent end of January, Second Issue: Application by end of March/advertisement sent by end of April, Third Issue: Application by end of August/advertisement sent by end of September. If the advertisement is received after that it will be published in the next issue.
Since the publication area is determined by the order of application, please understand that the desired area may not be available.
Publication fee (select between monochrome or full color)
1) Outer side of back cover (possible only for full-page ads): Black-and-white 64,800 yen (includes consumption tax of 4,800 yen),、Color 129,600 yen (includes consumption tax of 9,600 yen)
2) Inner side of front cover or back cover (possible only for full-page ads): Black-and-white 43,200 yen (includes consumption tax of 3,200 yen),、Color 86,400 yen (includes consumption tax of 6,400 yen)
3) Advertising space in the journal
Full-page ads:
3 times black-and-white 43,200 yen (includes consumption tax of 3,200 yen), color 86,400 yen (includes consumption tax of 6,400 yen)
2 times black-and-white 32,400 yen (includes consumption tax of 2,400 yen), Color 64,800 yen (includes consumption tax of 4,800 yen)
1 time black-and-white 21,600 yen (includes consumption tax of 1,600 yen), color 43,200 yen (includes consumption tax of 3,200 yen)
Half-page ad:
3 times black-and-white 32,400 yen (includes consumption tax of 2,400 yen), color 64,800 yen (includes consumption tax of 4,800 yen)
2 times black-and-white 25,920 yen (includes consumption tax of 1,920 yen), color 51,840 yen (includes consumption tax of 3,840 yen)
1 time black-and-white 16,200 yen (includes consumption tax of 1,200 yen), color 32,400 yen (includes consumption tax of 2,400 yen)
Sending the ad document
After receiving the application for your advertisement we will send the invoice as well as details about method for sending the ad document.
The ad document can be supplied either by paper copy or by data copy, but since the data option offers higher quality, we ask that data be submitted as much as possible. In principle documents that have been sent to us will not be returned. Furthermore, they will not be used for any other objective besides publication in the academic society journal.
The contents of the advertisement will be confirmed by the Editing Committee, and it may refuse to publish any material that is deemed to violate public morals or be otherwise inappropriate.
Application, Inquiries, Address for sending ad documents
Please use the application form below for the application and send to the following address.
Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinjuku, Tokyo, 162-0801
JSLAB Secretariat
E-mail: jslab-post@as.bunken.co.jp
*Reception hours Weekdays 9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
*The @ “at-mark” is a full-width character in order to prevent spam, so please change to half-width before emailing
Payment of publishing fee
Please submit payment to the following account before the advertisement is sent. We will officially accept the advertisement upon confirming payment of the advertisement publishing cost.
Bank name: Sumitomo Mitsui Bank Kyodo Branch
Account number: (Regular) 6861192
Subscriber name: JSLAB representative Masayuki Watanabe
The advertising publishing instructions and application can also be downloaded from the internet
PDF file